Supercharge Your Research Productivity with ChatGPT: A Practical Guide

An, Ruopeng

Supercharge Your Research Productivity with ChatGPT: A Practical Guide by Ruopeng An (Author) - Ruopeng An, [Place of publication not identified 2023 - ix, 353 pages : illustration 23 cm

Unpacking misconceptions: using ChatGPT for research - The power of prompt engineering: 10 essential rules - Search of inquiry: discovering research topics and framing questions - Predictive pursuits: crafting hypotheses for research - Literature landscapes: conducting scholarly reviews - Blueprint for discovery: selecting research design and methodology - Tooling up: developing research instruments and tools - Gathering insights: mastering data collection and management - Unlocking insights: analyzing and interpreting research data - Written in ink: crafting research papers and reports - Refining for success: addressing peer review feedback - The art of research storytelling: communicating research findings to the world - The odyssey of augmented research: embracing the power of AI

"Using nearly a hundred tangible, real-world research examples, this guide presents a detailed pathway on how researchers, irrespective of their area of study, can employ ChatGPT as a competent research assistant. This guide encapsulates ten easy-to-follow principles to accomplish a vast array of research tasks."


Artificial intelligence --Data processing --Handbooks, manuals, etc