TY - BOOK TI - 稻草人=Scarecrow SN - 9787222149328 U1 - 398.2 SHE PY - 2016/// PB - 云南人民出版社=Yunnan People's Publishing House N1 - August 1, 2016 N2 - Scarecrow is the first anthology of fairy tales written for children in new China. The author is also the founder of contemporary Chinese fairy tales creation. His fairy tales demonstrate novel and unique conception, delicate and lifelike description, and abundant reality. His earlier works employ lyric and aesthetic writing style. Scarecrow provides a genuine description of various life aspects in Chinese villages which are suffering winds and storms in 1920s through what a sympathetic and incapable scarecrow sees and thinks; 叶圣陶著的《稻草人》是新中国靠前本为儿童而写的童话集,作者叶圣陶也是中国现代童话创作的拓荒者。他的童话构思新颖独特,描写细腻逼真,富于现实内容。叶圣陶的早期作品笔调抒情,风格唯美。《稻草人》这篇童话通过一个富有同情心而又无能为力的稻草人的所见所思,真实地描写了二十年代中国农村风雨飘摇的人间百态。《稻草人》还收录了民间故事、小说、诗歌、小话剧等叶老其他文学体裁的作品。 ER -